Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Profile of My Readers

My readers possess the courage to confront the varieties of the human condition from the darkest sociopathic villain to the gloriously enigmatic heroine to the deeply flawed protagonist.
  • Do you have the desire to immerse yourself in evocative stories that offer a pleasurable distraction from life’s many burdens?
  • Do you occasionally need a dose of intelligent entertainment to offset the abject shallowness of social media?
  • Do you fancy a book that presents a magnificent epic while teaching you authentic history at the same time?
  • Do you aspire to be an author yourself, and wish to read great literary fiction to speed the process?
  • Do you yearn for fictional characters that are so real you will rejoice when they succeed, ache when they struggle, and grieve when they die?
  • Do you crave meticulously-crafted historical fiction thoughtfully written for the reader instead of the writer’s pompous self-gratification?
My books are the answer to these questions. TOIL UNDER THE SUN explores the hidden rage and abnegation of an adopted son within the context of the desperate defense of Fox Hill by the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War. HEART OF ABIGAIL tells the harrowing story of bonnie Abigail Sinclair, who confronts the deepest feelings of her own heart as she travels from Edinburgh, Scotland to Juneau, Alaska during the height of the great gold mines of the 1890s. NOR THINGS TO COME: A TRILOGY OF THE AMERICAN WEST is a magnificent epic of literary fiction that will encourage you to discover the razor's edge between good and evil within your own mind and soul. I invite you to begin the journey….

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Author Masterminds

All of my books, including the second book of Nor Things to Come: A Trilogy of the American West, are now available on the Author Masterminds website. You can follow the link below. And please check out the other authors while you are at it.